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Highway To Handstand - The 4 Week Handstand Course

March 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th - 2022

11.15am - 1245pm  

Paramount Recreation Club -  Surry Hills


Highway to Handstand is a four-week course designed to help you establish a clear goal of achieving the handstand while learning progressions, skills, techniques and drills that will instil rock-solid confidence you can achieve your goal.

Highway to Handstand is for a person who finds themselves dreaming about the handstand and deep down thinks they have the potential but don't know where to start or have lacked focus and commitment.

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The Power Of The 4 Week Format 

  • 4 weeks is about creating time and space to feel and see improvement.
  • 4 Weeks allows time to learn something, practice it, improve a little and then come back and do it all again. 
  • 4 Weeks allows time to work on strength defiencies. Strength built over the 4 weeks converts to confidence and doubles up with knowledge gained about the skill. 
  • Each week you will get specific feedback from me with to things to work on. Checkin's every week combined with practice, new skills and extra strength speeds up the process.
  • 4 weeks with a group of other awesome people just like you who want to learn the handstand is inspiring. When you see whats possible in other people it provides a "whats possible for me " ? insight. 
  • 4 Weeks allows time to build unshakeable confidence and belief that YOU CAN DO THIS ! 
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How the Course Works 

When learning the handstand common problems arise. A common problem can be described as a problem somebody else has experienced in the past.

Solving these problems is the key to your handstand and Highway to Handstand has been designed specifically to help you do that. See if any of these sound familiar.

  • My arms aren't strong enough.
  • My core isn't strong enough
  • I'm worried about falling. (even though I never have actually fallen) 
  • There isn't enough time or space to practice in a normal class.
  • I don't know enough about the handstand to really give it a go. 
  • I feel like I could do it but I'm not sure if I'm doing it right. 
  • I lack focus and I've never really 100% committed to it.
  • I haven't had a clear goal for the handstand. 
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Learn the Basics

Anybody who ever learnt how to handstand started small, started with the basics and built from there. This course builds the handstand from ground up with small doable progressions. I've seen these progressions work time and time again. I know they work because Iv'e seen them work from teaching 1000's of yoga classes.

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Learn with Friends

Over the course of 4 weeks you get to know your fellow handstand students very well. There is a great sense of community and encouragement and  the chance to inspire and be inspired by the people around you. .

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Learn a System

There is a simple system to learn that will help you make the handstand happen. Over the 4 weeks the system will become a habit that keeps you on track to achieve your handstand goal. 

What You Get

  • Four Saturdays of expert handstand tuition and feedback @ the beautiful Paramount Rec Club
  • Establishment of a clear and solid goal. Which is, of course, a Handstand. 
  • Knowledge around progressions and experience practising skills essential to the Handstand.
  • Drills to help with basic core and arm strength using body weight and bands.
  • Yoga flows and myofascial release techniques to deal with mobility issues.
  • Safe and playful environment to practice and make mistakes. 
  • Help, support and encouragement from myself and other fellow students and, the big one
  • Confidence and belief that you can do this πŸ‘ŠπŸ» 

The Venue - Paramount Recreation Club Pavillion

This year Highway to Handstand takes place in the beautiful Pavilion @ Paramount Rec Club. Located above Paramount Coffee one of Sydney's most well respected Cafe's and designed to mirror the Art Deco curves of the original building, it’s complete with floor-to-ceiling windows, gorgeous natural light perfect for keeping the vibe high and energy light.  PERFECT for leaning the Handstand. 

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Handstand Success Stories

Kyanyi 🀸🏽‍♀️


Elizabeth 🀸🏽‍♀️


A Special Bonus

Highway to Handstand Online Valued at $197 Free!

When you sign up for Highway to Handstand you also gain exclusive lifetime access to the online version of the course. This will help support your handstand journey once the course has finished. 

Highway to Handstand 2022

Paramount Rec Club - Surry Hills

March 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th
11.15am - 12.45pm


I'm Ready To Do This - Book Now

This is why I can help you with the Handstand

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1. I had no yoga or gymnastics background to begin with. I came to yoga, movement and bodyweight training late in life and I can tell you none of it came easy to me. I wasn't naturally flexible, I was tight, stiff and injured from playing sports and too much time lifting weights. In the early days of my handstand journey, I had no teacher to help me and a big list of problems to overcome. Like for example, having no idea what I was doing :) I was determined to make it happen though so I practised and through huge amounts of trial and error and some online research, I made it happen. I learnt the handstand myself. I experienced many of the common problems and worked out ways to fix them. I have 100% belief, if I can learn the handstand so can you. If you are committed and focused and clear on your goal (the handstand) you can make this happen. 

2. I teach A LOT of people. I currently teach yoga at two of Sydney's best and busiest studios. Last year I had over 13000 people come to class. I'm in front of students every day constantly fine-tuning the art and science of teaching people new things. In most classes, we spend some amount of time on the handstand. I've seen a huge amount of common errors and heard all the blocks and concerns holding a person back. I've worked out how to explain the progressions of the handstand to a new person so they can understand what needs to be done and feel like they are making progress.